
Monday, February 15, 2010

The TMI Generation

I JUST WONDER what should I call my peers? I mean people in my ages, which actually being confused with this situation. Well, as I was born in 1987, so I could assume that am stuck in this things: MTV and Facebook era.

They who was born in the late 70's until early 90's was probably stated as MTV generation (including myself). But then again, the technology has develop rapidly and changes everything. So now we tweets, we share (or overshare?) anything in our facebook wall, we become idol wanna-be in myspace and youtube, and we become a CITIZEN Journalist (or melodrama-lunatic fools like I am, who likes to post my "briliant" thought) by blogging and so on.

Last night I read Glamour British february issue, and found this interesting article, titled "Attack of the Oversharers". The articles mostly shares about how facebook and twitter has changes people (I mean, people not to mention those international celebrities). How fb and twitter could make someone becoming oversharers, telling the world anything important and not-important-things for example, your sex-life, what you do when you drunk and so on.

"So what's the big deal? If you are not interesting, just unfollow them or remove them from a friend list!",
a voice far away in my deepest dark-heart cynically says that.

That sentence coincidentally appear after I read this:

"My friend Lou,20, split from her boyfriend Jhon,32, last November. The break-up had been though-he'd cheated - but she'd finally moved on to a shiny, new boyfriend. But even the shiny, new boyfriend couldn't take the sting out of the, "Hey, I'm getting married" post from Jhon that appeared on her Facebook wall three weeks ago. Lou was heartbroken. Jhon thought revealing his big newsto her in public, along with more than 400 friends, was perfectly fine".

HAH! See? So the boy is still not mature enough to deal with others, and the girl was a victim, poor girl.

So, should I say the I'm also part of the TMI* generation??? Unfortunately, the answer is PERHAPS

*TMI: Too Much Information

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